ABINIT v10.0.3 production release

Dear ABINIT users,

ABINITv10.0.3 is available, see the Web page https://www.abinit.org/packages .

*** This release of ABINIT is a production version ***

ABINITv10 is a major version release, with nice new features : availability of the CMake build system, two new GPU portings, low-scaling GW and RPA implementations …

With respect to v9.10, please read the release notes at https://docs.abinit.org/about/release-notes . Some documentation, including the release notes, might still contain inaccuracies/typos/work in progress, and will be improved in the forthcoming minor releases.

Have fun !

Xavier and the ABINIT group


Please, read the installation notes at

A detailed description of all the features of ABINIT is available at

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