Dear ABINIT users,
The ABINIT Web site does not rely on the Drupal technology anymore, it is now hosted using Github (GitHub - abinit/abinit_web: All stuff related to the ABINIT web site : html pages, documents, figures (incl. pseudopotential) ...) !
Still, the address ( has not changed, and the “look-and-feel” should be very similar to the previous one.
If you spot problems, or have suggestions of improvement, do not hesitate to inform us ! Please, write to Maryam Azizi .
(We already know that the appearance on mobiles is not OK - this should be fixed soon.)
By the way thanks to Maryam for the work, as well as to Jean-Michel Beuken and Matteo Giantomassi for their advice and help.
Enjoy !