Crash with DFPT chi2 calculation

I have been trying to calculate chi2 for a diamond NV center. I have relaxed the ions with the NV defect present and at the same time maintained the original diamond lattice to avoid numerical errors due to slightly off cartesian coordinates. As I mentioned in my other post, the NV center results in an odd number of electrons so I have added a Hydrogen atom well away for the NV center in the supercell. The calculation proceeds to dataset 5 where abinit complains about a missing file as can be seen below. Note that in dataset 4, there is also a warning that

Zero Point Motion energy (sum of freqs/2)=  1.081901749E-02
 chkph3 : WARNING -
  The dynamical matrix was incomplete : phonon frequencies may be wrong ...

I am (naively) assuming that the problems with the dynamical matrix are occurring do the light H atom in the system and hoping they can be ignored. Any suggestions as to what to try next?

Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.)   0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
 Perturbation : 2nd derivative wrt k (idir1 =1) and Efield (idir2 =1)
 dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -
  In this case, iscf is set to -3 automatically.
 symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
 getmpw: optimal value of mpw= 35105
 Memory required for psi0_k, psi0_kq psi1_kq: 204.1 [Mb] <<< MEM
 getmpw: optimal value of mpw= 35105
 qpt is Gamma, psi_k+q initialized from psi_k in memory
 Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
  ireadwf=   0
--- !ERROR
src_file: m_dfpt_looppert.F90
src_line: 1598
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
    Missing file: outdata/out_DS5_1WF211
 abinit_abort: decision taken to exit. Check above messages for more info
Abort(13) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 13) - process 0
ndtset 7
#### Global Variables.
 ngkpt 4 4 4
 nshiftk 1
 shiftk    0.5    0.5    0.5
 ecut 45
 occopt 1
 nstep 100
 nsppol 1
 nbdbuf 0
 ecutsm 0.5
 nband 127
 indata_prefix "indata/in"
 tmpdata_prefix "tmpdata/tmp"
 outdata_prefix "outdata/out"
 pp_dirpath "/data/abinit/pseudos"
####                                         STRUCTURE                                         
 natom 64
 ntypat 3
 1 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 2 2 2
 znucl 1 6 7
    0.5561324900    0.0855480700    0.2090958500
    0.2481623100    0.2456593000    0.2483952600
    0.2492203800    0.2483012400    0.7488366800
    0.2450147800    0.7444709400    0.2496709500
    0.2493445300    0.7476578900    0.7501297200
    0.7674692300    0.2432418900    0.2281282300
    0.7490872700    0.2522694000    0.7432550300
    0.7463459500    0.7460399300    0.2513511300
    0.7493244200    0.7505221000    0.7494973500
    0.6297349500    0.6221678000    0.6237414300
    0.6237475000    0.6191471600    0.1273589900
    0.6235187600    0.1272431000    0.6179889300
    0.6572576400    0.1510999200    0.0943128500
    0.1247595000    0.6234849500    0.6240895300
    0.1233551700    0.6222050900    0.1249800700
    0.1213125400    0.1239796500    0.6247080100
    0.1241937200    0.1231577900    0.1227910600
    0.6256192000    0.3787080000    0.8676672000
    0.6199323800    0.8674285100    0.3788565800
    0.6240780500    0.8734891800    0.8740021100
    0.1238129700    0.3729288500    0.3727065800
    0.1262933800    0.3738505100    0.8727795400
    0.1219642500    0.8715339400    0.3748507500
    0.1245050900    0.8740386000    0.8742861700
    0.3751722300    0.6176213300    0.3744698200
    0.3755099600    0.6227631600    0.8735506900
    0.3646926800    0.1185957700    0.3814092300
    0.3770686200    0.1236166300    0.8732861500
    0.8734630900    0.6235643400    0.3794859200
    0.8750685800    0.6254181700    0.8737018500
    0.8731502000    0.1244328200    0.3682610300
    0.8768276300    0.1257971800    0.8691454900
    0.3753915900    0.3724991600    0.6202973900
    0.3772776000    0.3712282000    0.1247953800
    0.3737136200    0.8709799500    0.6258167100
    0.3692134500    0.8680276600    0.1265474000
    0.8744773900    0.3793825900    0.6213089800
    0.8773269300    0.3810621900    0.1230806500
    0.8731614600    0.8757143100    0.6229902000
    0.8733839600    0.8723689700    0.1246990700
    0.2484657800    0.4968910600    0.4986498300
    0.2495250100    0.4969045500    0.9980946000
    0.2417908200    0.9953960300    0.5035926100
    0.2502174300    0.9985899600    0.9997231800
    0.7502962600    0.5012285700    0.9974313400
    0.7467518100   2.7001000000d-04    0.4956857200
    0.7518490200    0.9964015900    0.9941067400
    0.4887588400    0.5009889300    0.2420181300
    0.5018176400    0.4988436800    0.7446235200
    0.4729409200    0.9731039900    0.2738305800
    0.4992018800    0.9976336600    0.7485656900
    0.9987344400    0.4998624300    0.2502981700
    0.0011911600    0.4990796800    0.7495734800
    0.9995863500    0.9966191700    0.2484100700
    0.9988845000    0.9996667900    0.7480243100
    0.4859138000    0.2386348900    0.5029227400
    0.5055071100    0.2546959100    0.9908509700
    0.5006039200    0.7416833700    0.5018306600
    0.4989444300    0.7478514700   1.9727000000d-04
    0.9966598900    0.2501971100    0.4959992000
    0.0023514900    0.2502992900    0.9958866700
    0.9989398200    0.7496961100    0.4996230300
    0.9994366600    0.7486082000    0.9994854900
    0.7606658600    0.5094172700    0.5091479500
 acell    1.0    1.0    1.0
   13.4537161717    0.0000000000    0.0000000000
    0.0000000000   13.4537161717    0.0000000000
    0.0000000000    0.0000000000   13.4537161717
##### DATASET 1 #####
####                SECTION: basic               
 kptopt1 3
 toldfe1 1e-12
####                SECTION: files               
 prtden1 1
 prtwf1 1
####                SECTION: paral               
 autoparal1 1

##### DATASET 2 #####
####                SECTION: basic               
 kptopt2 3
 iscf2 -2
 tolwfr2 1e-22
####                SECTION: files               
 getden2 1
 getwfk2 1
 prtwf2 1
####                SECTION: paral               
 autoparal2 1

##### DATASET 3 #####
####                SECTION: basic               
 kptopt3 3
 tolwfr3 1e-22
####                SECTION: dfpt                
 rfelfd3 2
####                SECTION: files               
 getwfk3 2
 prtwf3 1

##### DATASET 4 #####
####                SECTION: basic               
 kptopt4 3
 tolvrs4 1e-12
####                SECTION: dfpt                
 rfphon4 1
 rfelfd4 3
 rfstrs4 3
 prepanl4 1
####                SECTION: files               
 getwfk4 2
 getddk4 3
 prtwf4 1
 prtden4 1

##### DATASET 5 #####
####                SECTION: basic               
 kptopt5 3
 tolwfr5 1e-22
####                SECTION: dfpt                
 rf2_dkde5 1
 prepanl5 1
####                SECTION: files               
 getwfk5 2
 getddk5 3
 get1den5 4
 getdelfd5 4
 getdkdk5 5
 prtwf5 1

##### DATASET 6 #####
####                SECTION: basic               
 kptopt6 3
 tolvrs6 1e-15
####                SECTION: dfpt                
 usepead6 0
 d3e_pert1_elfd6 1
 d3e_pert1_phon6 1
 d3e_pert2_elfd6 1
 d3e_pert3_elfd6 1
####                SECTION: files               
 getwfk6 2
 getddk6 3
 get1den6 4
 get1wf6 4
 getdkde6 6
####               SECTION: gstate               
 optdriver6 5

##### DATASET 7 #####
####                SECTION: basic               
 kptopt7 1
 tolvrs7 1e-15

Hi again Paul,

For the missing dynamical matrix, the problem is not the H atom at all. You are missing some perturbation calculations (see other post), which may or may not be critical for what you want to calculate.

1WF211 suffix is known as ipert (index for a perturbation) can be dissected by dividing by 3

  • the remainder (1) is the direction of the perturbation (reduced x coord)
  • the quotient (70) is equal to natom (64) + 6. The convention is:
    • phonons = first natom*3 values of the suffix
    • ddk = +1
    • dde = +2
    • strain (3 normal) = +3
    • strain (3 shears) = +4
    • magnetic field = +5
    • ddk again, full DFPT implementation = +6
    • ddE again, full DFPT implementation = +7
    • d2dk2 = +10
    • d2de2 = +11

so… you are missing a perturbation which should have been done in the full workflow. Perhaps missing rf2_dkdk5 ? Also, this " getdkdk5 5" probably won’t work. If a dataset needs its own output, things could fail. See nonlinear - abinit

I would recommend you try with a much smaller cell to get the workflow steps and file handling sorted out, then go full monty.

