Decomposition of magnetization in mixalch calculation

Dear abinit users,

Can someone help me to find out how to extract magnetization of dopant element using mixalch calculation? Is there any command?

For example I have the following mixalch block:
npsp 3
znucl 50 27 26
ntypat 2
ntypalch 1
mixalch 2.5/3 0.5/3
where I substitute Co by Fe and I give the following spin block
nsppol2 2
nspden2 2
spinat2 0.0 0.0 3.0

It gives me the total magnetization in the cell. I want to calculate magnetic moment for both Co and Fe.

Let me know if there is possibility to calculate that.


Hi Rajesh,

in a word, you can’t. Mixalch implements the VCA, which considers all atoms to be the same average of the 2 species. It’s relatively accurate as you are mixing the pseudopotentials, and not just using a single nucleus with an average charge, but still, you can not distinguish the 2 species. With prtdensph you can get more local information around the atom, to complement the global data you have.

To distinguish you should do supercells with a finite fraction of dopants, and look locally.
